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Financially Alert Friends – Interview #10 with Financial Nirvana Mama

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

I’m so honored to be interviewed by Financially Alert, a fellow like-minded personal finance blogger who s

hares the same beliefs.

In this interview, I walk through why I started Financial Nirvana Mama,  money beliefs, how this website can help readers, and my favorite personal finance book.

Here’s a quick snippet of the interview.


Walk me through how and why you started your personal finance blog?

I share the truth about real estate investing. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Years ago, I searched for reputable websites to help guide me in my real estate investing journey but I had trouble finding people I can relate too.

And when I did find websites – I couldn’t relate to these people. They were either full-time real estate investors with no kids, or shady money grabber gurus who only sold wonderful stories of how real estate investing is sooo awesome. They didn’t resonate with me.

I’m a busy mom with a career and investing in real estate part-time so I wanted to see others like me doing it too that can help me out in my journey.

Rather than sitting back and waiting for someone else to do it, and HOPING someone would do it….

I decided to launch Financial Nirvana Mama.

I’ve been investing in real estate part-time for the last ten years. I feel this immense desire to share my experience and help others. This is why I started Financial Nirvana Mama.

Was the decision easy or hard, why?

It was an easy decision because I felt this immense urge to fix this problem and share my experiences and help others. I felt stuck ten years ago, I needed someone to help guide me.

Now that I’ve gone through the school of life, I feel like it’s my turn to contribute and help others, just like others have helped me during my journey.

What’s your core message you’re trying to share?

Stop Settling in Life, Take Action and Create a Life you want to Lead! – Tracy Ma

My mission is to inspire you to stop settling in life, take action to do what you love to do, help and inspire you to kick ass and make your life amazing.  Financial Nirvana Mama is for the ambitious, the hustlers, the entrepreneurs, and the action takers who are building their wealth through real estate, businesses and investments, and accelerating their path to financial independence. 

And that it is possible to build a real estate mini-empire while you juggle a career, life and a young family.

I wanted to share the world all the tips, tricks, and pitfalls I’ve learned to help busy professionals to invest the right way.

For example, I shared on Rockstar Finance my 1-year experiment on retire early living off rental cash flow and how it went:

Michael here – I love that Tracy is sharing the pros and cons of real estate investing.  It’s absolutely true that real estate investing can really boost your journey to FIRE, but it takes a lot of knowledge and experience to reap the benefits consistently.  

To read more of the interview, click here.


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