Are you Struggling or Feeling Stuck or Looking for a Mentor that really cares about your Success?
Financial Nirvana Mama can help you...

This course will help you...
✓ Learn to build a stock portfolio that works in any stock market even it goes down, up or sideways
✓ Learn how to diversify your stocks to reduce risks on your stock portfolio
✓ Learn how to analyze stocks FAST and recognize what a GOOD deal looks like
✓ Strategies for generating passive income, how to protect your money and build long term wealth and immediate income in your spare time
The core parts of this course:
Bite-sized modules that will help you build momentum
Step-by-step training that gets straight to the point
Group coaching calls
Feel supported with a chance to ask your questions and be surrounded by like minded investors
Lifetime access
You'll have lifetime access to the course
Tools, checklists and resources
To support you in your journey
Be part of a SMALL group of action takers
...who are all like you!
Discord channel
Be part of a greater community of Canadian investors with similar interests and interact with each other and for accountability

Is this course right for you?
This course is designed for Canadian DIY investors who want to take financial control of their lives, who lost faith in their financial advisors, who are sick and tired of losing to inflation, busy working in careers and DESIRE learning the most EFFICIENT way to invest, while raising a family, having a life AND SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT, knowing that their money making machines are compounding their wealth and income now.
If you are driven, an action taker, love learning but hate wasting time, then this program is for you.
If you are that person and committed, I will guide you step by step to succeed in any stock market cycle.
If you have self doubt, fear losing money, get anxious holding stocks, need strategic advice including a friendly nudge, and want to FAST track your journey I will help you get from where you are right now ...to where you want to be.
Who shouldn’t take this course?If you are wanting to get rich quick, this course is not for you. This is for consistent income and long term investing..on track to 6-7 figures..and this takes time, if you do it right. If you are interested in day trading, forex trading, futures, crytocurrencies this is NOT covered here.
How will this course be delivered?Sessions are recorded for your convenience. You get an opportunity to participate in weekly group coaching calls and on discord so that you are fully supported in your investing journey.
When does this course finish?You get lifetime access so you can decide when to finish. The course also offers challenges, 'learn by examples' and group coaching calls, designed to fast track your journey with other like-minded people.
How long do I have access to the course?
You are given lifetime access!
How much money do I need to start investing?
You can invest at any time but you need some extra cash.
What type of strategies are discussed here?This is an investing course that covers four compounding money making strategies following a step by step systematic framework that is hyper efficient for DIY Canadian Investors. I cover dividend growth, value, growth and even strategies that Warren Buffet uses to personally hedge his stock portfolio and collect passive income during any stock market cycle. We focus on long term investing and building immediate income.
Couldn’t I learn to invest in stocks on my own?Of course! That's how I learned the first 20 years in trial and massive mistakes costing me tens of thousands of dollars of losses even when I had a financial advisor. Worst, I also lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in opportunity cost sitting on the sidelines timing the stock market rather than staying investing. If you ever second guessed yourself and selling too early on stocks and buying stocks because of fear of missing out or feeling overwhelmed by stock news or feeling frustrated because your financial advisor failed you... then this course is really for you. This course is designed to shorten your learning time from 20 years to as little as 90 days. I designed this program because I wished I could wave a magic wand and take this program when I started investing. There is no other program like this that gives you life time access and ongoing support. You get everything, my efficient systems, resources, checklists, tactics without wasting precious time and losing sleep on your stocks. Most importantly, this is one of the greatest gifts to yourself because NO ONE can take this away. You will gain confidence as a stock investor knowing that you are taking action and control of your financial future to reach your goals and DO what really matters to you.
I’ve never invested in stock before, is that okay?Yes! This course will start with the basics and get advanced. In the first week, you will learn the basics of stock market investing: how stock market investing works, stock market language, and why it is important. After that, you will learn about different stock market strategies and be ready invest in stocks with confidence in the course. And level up your stocks and create cashflow (if you are ready).
I’ve been investing for years. Will I learn anything new?Oh yeah. While the course starts with the basics, it is by no means a basic investing course. You will learn how to manage risk, how to how to buy 10X stocks, how to collect passive income with your stocks and how to analyze companies from a fundamental and technical perspective...if you want to do all that, this course covers it.
What's my Return on Investment?This course offers an instant return of 100% at least because you will learn to generate passive income & wealth with confidence over the next few months getting you on track to 6 to 7 figure networth if you continue to invest. This is an investment on yourself! This is $10000++ value course...but I want to help as many people as I can. I really care about your success, that's why I created this course to save you thousands of dollars in mistakes during your journey and hundreds of hours of time that you can't afford to lose. PLUS save on hotel costs, travel expenses & precious travel time by having this course delivered from the comfort of your home. AND fully supported by lifetime access to the course and discord community for ongoing support. Most importantly, this course will accelerate your journey to ultimate freedom so you can live your best life DOING what you love to do.
Get Value Worth $11,500+
LIFE TIME ACCESS to all Modules & Upgrades
$3,999 value
Build your foundation and create your own financial investment plan
$595 value
Lifetime of passive income on autopilot via dividend growth investing worth
$795 value
Sleep soundly at night by investing like Warren Buffet using value investing
$795 value
Compounding your total returns and building wealth through growth investing
$895 value
Levelling up your stock portfolio to build passive income in your spare time worth
$997 value
Learn how to invest in 10X stocks like a venture capitalist
$400 value

Group coaching calls & private community on Discord, price targets & ongoing support
$1,999 value
Spreadsheets, checklists + 10X investing worth + 6 steps to financial freedom
$1,195 value
Lifetime of passive income on autopilot via dividend growth investing worth
$795 value
Case studies and valuation models
$250 value
Financial freedom roadmap
$650 value